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gilhuly 10-11-2011 06:42 PM

Sorry to hear of your bad happening!(accident) Could have easily been worse......get well....:thumbs:

category4 10-11-2011 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by WAwatchnut (Post 1578934179)
Oh man, that sucks! I hope the leg heals up quickly, and I'm glad the injuries weren't worse. Damage to the property (Vette included) can always be repaired.

The parking brake on the Vettes really sucks. Unless it's fully engaged (very last click), mine won't hold on a slight incline. Whenever it's parked, I always have mine in gear.

X2, the car car be fixed, luckily you were not hurt too bad. This could have been much, much worse.

AORoads 10-11-2011 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by TripleAstyle123 (Post 1578934493)
I wish the OP a fast recovery!

Not trying to thread-jack but I think a little more on this topic could save someone else! I am pretty sure I personally don't FULLY engage the Parking Brake when on hills etc. Is the above a true, proven statement?

I don't know how one proves it. All I know is I was just in a very, very slight incline parking lot, pulled up the brake to the next to the last notch that I could pull it to, and it rolled forward. The parking brake can be adjusted, I think, but it's done this since new or, at least, that's what I remember. I'm like Lisa and others: I don't trust the parking brake to stop or hold the car on anything. To me, it's a supplement to being in gear.

jackhall99 10-11-2011 06:48 PM

Lisa, all that matters is that you were not hurt too badly. :blueangel: The car, trailer and barn will be fine with a little work. :yesnod:

Get well soon. :cheers:

1FASTVERT 10-11-2011 06:49 PM

Get well soon. Insurance will fix everything else but it can't replace you so please be more careful.

LisasZR1 10-11-2011 06:50 PM

Thanks everyone. Yes, it could've been much worse. Embarrased - not really. I always set the brake and put it in reverse. Why I didn't this time I have no idea. Lots on my mind maybe. And I know that stupid brake is tough to set. Bet that won't happen again. Deb and I have even had that as a side conversation and we both said how hard you have to pull up on it to really make the brake engage fully. :toetap:

And, I posted so everyone will be reminded of what can happen.

Had to run after it - too expensive a car - my baby - to try to not save because I knew where it was headed. :ack:

Johnny is my husband.

What's a good help for the hamstring? It's worse than the road rash and bruise. Course the road rash and bruise are immobilized in my brace. I have to work on that tonight - Oh God - that's gonna hurt like hell.

Xedes, I'm sorry - yes your fav car. :( But it's already at Richey Collision and will be back like new.

The damage really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The bumper and splitter will be replaced. A little paint here and there and a new lense on at least one of the headlights. But up close the buckets and lights look ok. The clear bra was actually in tact. I still think that thing kept a lot of the damage as far as scratches to a minimum. Too bad about that massive hole in the front though.

I shudder to think how bad this could've been for me. Well, live and learn - don't be in a hurry or sidetracked when in a car at any time. Parked or otherwise.

Thanks everyone.

RAGGDOLL 10-11-2011 06:52 PM

Best wishes on a speedy recovery. Could have been worse I suppose, just putting a positive spin on it for ya :thumbs:

jackhall99 10-11-2011 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by WAwatchnut (Post 1578934179)
The parking brake on the Vettes really sucks. Unless it's fully engaged (very last click), mine won't hold on a slight incline. Whenever it's parked, I always have mine in gear.

Well let's not over-react here. :thumbs:

You park in reverse or first gear depending on uphill or downhill orientation of the car, and the wheels turned as appropriate. :yesnod: That's how I was taught in the 50s. Brake set; yes. But don't rely on that for safety. :cheers:

R&L's C6 10-11-2011 06:54 PM

Wow, so sorry to hear this. Like others have said as long as your ok, all the other "stuff" can be repaired or replaced. Get some rest, get better, and get back behind the wheel of your Vette. It will be fixed as good as new.

jackhall99 10-11-2011 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by Texas08C6 (Post 1578934622)
Thanks everyone. Yes, it could've been much worse. Embarrased - not really. I always set the brake and put it in reverse. Why I didn't this time I have no idea. Lots on my mind maybe.

Lisa, it's called "stuff" happens. Take care. :cheers:

george vee 10-11-2011 06:57 PM

Thanks for the heads up on the E brake. Glad to hear you and your vette are on the way to a speedy recovery and by the way here is a little something to put a smile on, nice legs .

JonathanTX 10-11-2011 06:57 PM

i hear you on it being hard to set.

my driveway is steep too, and i have to pull it so hard that its damn near impossible to release again to keep the car from still resting down on the pawl.

Goatdad 10-11-2011 07:03 PM

Best wishes and a speedy recovery.

LisasZR1 10-11-2011 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by TripleAstyle123 (Post 1578934493)
I wish the OP a fast recovery!

Not trying to thread-jack but I think a little more on this topic could save someone else! I am pretty sure I personally don't FULLY engage the Parking Brake when on hills etc. Is the above a true, proven statement?

This is exactly why I posted this. What if I had been in the house already and there were children or pets or old people or whatever that could've been hurt or killed. There ought to be some way they can adjust these to be easier to set.

Kevin_NYC 10-11-2011 07:10 PM


That's very harsh

U could have been crippled if your hip got under there

It will be fixed perfect; would mention to dealer pOssible brake malfunction

NOCRISIS 10-11-2011 07:22 PM

ouch,glad you are ok,,,,:thumbs::thumbs:

I use the parking brake while crossing the International bridge in stop and go traffic,on the down side.The first time I did this I thought the brake was weak at best,,and after a few times,it is weak at best,,,the brake,as one poster said,sucks.I was in a parking lot and thought I would drift the back end with the brake,,no way,,that thing at best would slow you down,,you would need to attach a 1/2 ton come-along to lock the rear wheel.I would never trust it,,:crazy::crazy:

SuperSonic 10-11-2011 07:23 PM

Sorry, Hope you have a quick recovery.

Corvette ED 10-11-2011 07:28 PM

Get Well Soon!!

B-Myster 10-11-2011 07:43 PM

Wow that could have gone even worse than it did. I'm glad you escaped with somewhat minor injuries. I read the car is on its way to Richey Collision so it definitely will be as good as new when you get it back. Get better soon.

need-for-speed 10-11-2011 07:58 PM

WOW. So sorry to hear this. I was going to suggest Richey Collision based on what I have heard, and then saw your second post. Please let us know if they are as good as folks say. If the time ever comes for me :nonod: it would be good to know.

Thanks for sharing your story. I had not heard of issues with the e-brake. Now I know. As you say, there could have been old folks and little kids in lawn chairs at the bottom of the hill. This the very reason we share all "near miss" stories where I work.

Good post :cheers:

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