Conversation Between Paul L and vettebuyer6369
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. vettebuyer6369
    10-18-2017 05:52 PM
    Oh, that went through quicker than I though. Cool. Not going to drive anymore?
  2. Paul L
    10-18-2017 05:34 PM
    Thanks!! All works fine. I appreciate that very much.
  3. Paul L
    10-18-2017 12:48 PM
    Hello Steve,
    I don't think I will be driving my 1974 again. Can you change my Forum name to Paul L ? Note two caps; the rest lower case. The current password is fine; leave as is.

  4. vettebuyer6369
    12-25-2016 02:39 PM
    Thanks very much Paul.

    Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and your family as well!

    Steve G
  5. Paul L
    12-25-2016 02:32 PM
    As in previous years I have again admired how well you manage the Forum. Merry Christmas to you!

    Paul 74
  6. vettebuyer6369
    01-26-2015 09:54 PM
    Hi Paul, yes you can. Steve G
  7. vettebuyer6369
    12-22-2014 09:00 PM
    Hi Paul,

    What a thoughtful message. I should tell you how much your sentiment is appreciated, as I do give a lot of thought to doing the best for the group. Thank you.

    And I wish a wonderful Christmas for you and yours as well.

    Steve G
  8. Paul L
    12-22-2014 08:22 PM
    Hello Steve,

    A little early but I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. You have handled the C3 Forum VERY well with tact and diplomacy. I admire that and as a long-time member who respects what the Forum does and represents to the Corvette Community I want you to know that it is appreciated!

    Paul Latour
    Ottawa, Ontario
  9. vettebuyer6369
    01-09-2014 07:23 PM
    I was actually thinking of asking you about it, but sometimes the guys like to talk with their friends in the forum they are comfortable in...
  10. vettebuyer6369
    10-23-2012 10:01 PM
    Hi Paul-

    I wish I could take credit for helping your friend, but I did not receive any requests from him today, nor did I change his screen name! I'll take the credit anyway, though!

    Steve G

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